Wet Hair Woes: Why Wearing Wigs and Toppers in Water Isn't a Good Idea

Wearing a Hair Topper While Swimming – What You Need to Know

Let's talk about something that many of us might not consider when we're heading to the pool or the beach: wearing a hair topper while swimming. I get it, they can boost your confidence and make you feel fabulous, and totes forget about your hair loss, but have you ever thought about the impact they could have on your precious thinning hair, especially when they're soaking wet?

You see, our gorgeous human hair toppers are equipped with our specially designed pressure sensitive clips to keep them securely in place, but here's the kicker – when that human hair topper gets wet, it becomes heavy and I mean, really heavy. Now, no matter how awesome our clips are designed to be, they are going to be tugging at your thinning hair, weighed down by the wet hair topper. Ouch!

This added tension and weight from the waterlogged alternate hair piece can wreak havoc on your delicate and already thinning hair. Your hair is already going through hair loss challenges, and the last thing it needs is the extra burden of a heavy, wet topper. The strain caused by the clips and the weight of the water can lead to further hair loss. It's like a double whammy for your hair!  I recently weighed my hair topper when it was dry and then again when wet. The difference was astounding—a whopping 127 grams heavier when wet, putting extra strain on your delicate hair.

Personally, when I swim, I choose not to wear my hair piece. The last thing I want is the added concern of further hair loss, due to the weight of the water in my topper. Instead, I prefer the comfort and ease of a lightweight swim cap, it makes my swimming experience so much more enjoyable!

Explore Your Options to Prevent Hair Loss While Enjoying the Pool

There's a whole variety of choices waiting, all tailored to suit your needs perfectly. Let's dive in and find what fits your style and comfort, allowing you to enjoy the beach or pool without a worry.

First off, consider opting for swim caps designed specifically for individuals with hair loss concerns. These caps are crafted from lightweight, breathable materials that won't tug or stress your remaining hair. They come in various styles, from classic designs to trendy patterns. I purchased mine from the Australian Cancer Council Shop.

One nifty option is using a hair turban to keep your hair in place. It's simple yet effective.  Or consider a swim hat, they give you the added protection for your face.

If you're adamant about swimming while wearing your bestie, consider using a hair wrap.  Place it, using a circular motion around your head and then secure your hair in place. Not only does it minimise movement, but decreases the tension placed on your hair. These wraps are made from quick-drying, stretchy fabrics and stay in place even in the water. Plus, they come in vibrant colours and patterns.

Another option is to purchase a synthetic fibre topper that is specifically designed for water activities.  They are designed from materials that are water-friendly and withstand exposure to water without losing their shape or style.  Again, keep this secure and close to your head to minimise movement and any further pressure on your hair strands.

Navigating the Impact of Saltwater and Chlorine on Your Alternate Human Hair piece

However, keep the following in mind: both saltwater and chlorine can cause serious damage if you're not cautious.

Saltwater, while great for the soul, can be harsh on remy human hair. It has this sneaky way of causing it to tangle and lose its natural lustre. The salt crystals can settle into the hair strands, making them rough and prone to snags. Imagine trying to detangle it after a swim – not a pretty picture, right?

Chlorine, our friendly neighbourhood pool cleaner, isn't so friendly to our gorgeous human hair pieces. It's like that unwanted guest at the party who overstays their welcome. Chlorine strips your alternate hair of its moisture, making it dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Plus, it can mess with the colour, turning your beautiful blonde piece into an unfortunate shade of green. Yikes!

That's why washing and conditioning with salon grade products immediately after swimming is highly recommended.  Think of it as giving your hair topper a refreshing drink, after a day out in the sun. Just like our skin and hair need cleansing to remove impurities, your human hair topper needs the same care. Washing it promptly helps remove any residue from the piece, preventing damage and ensuring it stays soft and manageable. Conditioning, on the other hand, restores moisture and keeps the hair fibres smooth and silky.

So, make it a post-swimming routine: gently cleanse and deep condition your human hair topper. By doing so, you're not just preserving its beauty but also ensuring longevity.

Remember, the key is finding what makes you feel confident and at ease. Your beach or pool experience should be enjoyable, and with these options, you can focus on having fun in the water with minimal concerns. So, go ahead and dive in, knowing that there are alternatives to wearing your human hair piece.


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